Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday Eve

As many of you know tomorrow is the most important day of voting during this entire election cycle so far. Voters in 21 states will cast their votes and try to get their candidate nominated. Obviously I am pushing for Mitt Romney. As important as tomorrow is, I don't believe that a nominee will be crowned on Super Tuesday. The states are split and no one will come away with the necessary amount of delegates to be the Republican party's nominee. There has been a public out lash against John McCain in the past few days. Many conservatives are starting to see him for who he is, which is, with all due respect to Senator McCain, a RINO (Republican in Name Only) While this may sound harsh, it is supported by his record, and his apparent willingness to turn his back on his fellow GOP'ites. (For more information on this go HERE or HERE)

This sudden push by conservatives to keep McCain from getting the nomination has been a positive thing for Mitt Romney. He has received some key endorsements and his numbers are going way up in some of the important polls. In One California poll Romney leads McCain 40-32, and that seems to be trend in the polls that are coming out in the last few days. Many Romney critics are saying that people are just voting for him to make sure McCain isn't the nominee and that he isn't really qualified. Part of this may be true, the fact that many are voting for Romney so McCain isn't the nominee for example, but I believe the main thing is that many conservative voters who probably weren't going to participate, but who would probably support Romney are exercising their civic duty and getting out to vote. This can be seen in Romney's landslide victory in Maine over the weekend, gaining over 50% of the vote compared to McCain's 22%.

On another note, Huckabee has continued with his incessant whining that Romney is suppressing votes by saying that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. Romney replied saying that its not called suppressing voters, its called politics. Huckabee had the audacity to suggest that Romney should drop out of the race, because it's a two man race between Huck and McCain. Romney responded that he respects Huckabee and would never suggest that he quit, and that everyone has the right to stay in as long as they want. Romney did note that Huckabee has had less than stellar results in nearly every state except for Iowa.

Anyway, I think its important to remember the real reasons to vote for Romney, they aren't just because we don't want McCain, its not just because conservative radio heads are telling us to, rather its because he has the experience and values to lead this country. One look at his Economic Stimulus Plan should be a stark reminder as to why he is the most qualified to lead this country out of the seemingly imminent recession that is coming. Remember, every vote counts. Spread the word. Its game time!


Katie said...

Huck actually wanted Romney to drop out? Huckabee is completely ridiculous. Where did you see that poll that showed Romneybeing ahead in California! Another great post Dan :)

Anonymous said...

Tuned onto your blog, and all seems good - least your supporting the right guy ;-)
Glad to see the truth is coming out about McCain though, he is a very liberal candidate.
Well tomorrow the the results will come!

Babzanne Barker said...

wish you could be here to go to the caucus with us, Daniel! It should be fun, and I think Mitt is going to take Colorado, and hopefully California and some other surprise states.