We all know what it is like when we discover a new fad. We know what it feels like when we hear an awesome new singer or band for the first time. Some of us may even know how it feels to be a part of their "fan club." Honestly, it's a good feeling. Everyone wants to feel like they are a part of something bigger. Most people want to be part of the "cool" group. This is normal, and a part of life, and in my opinion it is a very big part of why Senator Obama has become so popular as of late. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I have a few theories about this so called "Obamamania"
In my sociology class we were studying group dynamics and one of the things we studied stuck out to me. It was the concept of "groupthink". Groupthink is defined as a narrowing of thought by a group of people, leading to the perception that there is only one correct answer, in which to even suggest alternatives becomes a sign of disloyalty. In my text book it says that people who develop this tunnel vision often, "put aside moral judgments and disregard risk." In a way this frame of thought affects the supporters of all candidates running for president, but I believe that it has affected on a larger scale the legions of Obama supporters. I am not saying that they are a bunch of mindless drones. Nor am I saying that they can't think for themselves, or that they shouldn't support their candidate. What I am saying is that Obama has gone from heavy underdog to superstar in the span of just a few short months, and there has to be reason.
It's easy to explain the reason for his popularity. Senator Obama has a great talent for giving speeches. He knows how to deliver lines that would have a much lesser affect if delivered by some of his opponents. He has based his campaign on a message of hope and change. The downfall? What he is "hoping" to "change" is widely unknown at this point. I have to admit that whenever I hear him give a speech he almost convinces me with his words, but when I look at his plan for "change", it's a plan that I can't swallow. This is where the above quote comes into play. Senator Obama plans on withdrawing all of the troops from Iraq starting the first month that he is in office. He plans on focusing on Afghanistan, with the "hope" that the terrorists that we will be leaving un-opposed in Iraq will follow our lead and go home. He said the other day that he would withdraw from Iraq immediately but if Al-Qaeda was in Iraq that he would "consider" going back. John McCain jumped all over that saying, "I have some news — al Qaeda is in Iraq. It's called: 'Al Qaeda in Iraq." If we withdraw from Iraq Al-Qaeda is not going to leave their new safe haven and return to Afghanistan to fight us there. They will make their bases in Iraq and plan attacks on us. The truth is that with the recent successes in Iraq more of the terrorists are leaving Iraq and going back to Afghanistan. Following Obama's "hope for change in the war" will only expose the American people to more risks. Jumping on the Obama bandwagon may seem like the cool thing to do, but the truth is that supporting Obama and electing him president disregards a very big risk, a risk to all Americans.
I have always said that I think Obama is great man. I believe that he does love this country. I don't pay attention to the rumors that he is not patriotic, and honestly I am not surprised that people look past his actual platform and jump on his train. I think that he truly does want a change in this country; but isn't that what all the candidates want? There isn't a candidate running for president who doesn't want to change some aspect of the government to make our lives better. Our responsibility as citizens of this great country is to decide who offers realistic changes that will work, and who merely offers unrealistic changes that will most certainly have the opposite effect.
**The War is not the only issue that I disagree with Obama on, but it is one of the more important ones at this point in my opinion, which is why I have been focusing on it more as of late**
Here are some videos for some comic relief :) (They're just for fun!!) Brought to you by "Swiftkids for truth"
Excellent comentary as usual! You make your points very clear and understandable. I think you should analyze some of his other policies. I can't wait until you are working for CNN. (The Swiftboat Kids cookie ad was hilarious! My favorite part: "My mom made me this cookie.")
I love how you drew connections between your sociology class and this. your such a good political writer and you present all the sides fairly. You should definitely get a job writing for politics :-D
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