Below are a couple of the videos that my sister took when Romney was in Denver yesterday. Apparently there were a lot more there than was expected!
Today I had the unique opportunity to go to a call center and make calls to republicans in Colorado. It was a great experience. The truth is I talked to a lot more answering machines than actual people. But the people that I did talk with all had one thing in common; they didn't want Hillary or Obama in the White House. There was one person I talked to who said he would be voting for McCain, when I asked him why, he said, "I don't really have a reason, I just like how he sounds." I talked to a couple of people who didn't even have to listen to why I was voting for Romney, because they were also voting for him. Those were the easy ones :) Most of those who were undecided were leaning towards Romney, but had a few questions. One of the things that a woman said to me was that she agreed with Romney in everything, but she didn't know if he could beat Barack or Hillary in the general election. She said that the LAST thing she wanted was Hillary or Obama in the White House. I explained to her some of my reasons for voting for Romney and why I think he can win in November, so today I'll dedicate this post to that.
Obviously it is an important decision. We are talking about who could be the next President of the United States. National polls right now are showing that both Hillary and Obama would beat Romney in the general election. These same national polls show McCain either close or beating both Hillary and Obama. So one might ask why I support Romney if he can't win in November. My answer ... at this point these polls are irrelevant. A quick look into past elections show that there have been candidates that showed very strongly in head to head polls early on in the election process, but ended up losing quite badly. Anyone remember Bob Dole? I don't really remember seeing as how I was still pretty young, but I have seen that he was ahead or close to Bill Clinton during that election cycle and by many he was considered the most "electable". Well we all know what happened there, Clinton beat Dole pretty handily. If this happened to Bob Dole, who was well liked and a nice guy, imagine what will happen to McCain! He is well liked by non-republicans and he hasn't proved himself as a nice guy, but he's "electable"... right ... Also one year ago Rudy Giuliani was ahead by a HUGE margin in all of the preliminary polling for Republican nominee, well Giuliani dropped out of the race this past week, showing just how in-accurate polling can be so far in advance.
If Romney is the nominee he will have the ability to beat Hillary or Obama. He is strong on more than one issue. He is strong on the Economy, he is strong on Illegal Immigration, he supports the war in Iraq and will continue fighting hard against the Jihadists who want to destroy our freedom. He has family values that are reflected in his own family, and he is a genuinely nice guy. McCain has turned me off and the general opinion that I have gotten from people is that they don't like his anger. McCain is strong on foreign policy, but that is about it. He has sided many times with democrats on many issues. For example McCain-Kennedy is a bill that McCain tried to push which would allow all illegal immigrants to stay in America by paying a fine and learning English, but thats not it, they would also be able to collect social security for the time that they were here illegally. He also participated in many bills with very liberal democrats. Romney is a man of integrity. When he was running for Governor of Massachusetts, he made 93 campaign promises, he wrote them down, and he marked them off as he fulfilled them. Out of the 93 promises that he made, he kept ALL 93 of them. He was able to make health care affordable and available for everyone by allowing the free market to work. Everyone that could afford health care was required to buy it. This caused there to be more competition and better prices, causing health care to be much more affordable.
When Mitt Romney became the CEO of the Olympic games in Salt Lake City the Olympics were in debt and in danger of being canceled all together, but when all was said in done after Romney had turned them around, the Olympics came away with a 100 million dollar profit. This goes to show that Romney has the ability to take broken things apart and put them together in a more efficient successful way. This is exactly what we need in Washington right now. One last thing regarding the Olympics; When Romney was CEO of the Olympics he forfeited his 825,000 dollar salary and donated it to charity, which is exactly what he did as governor of Massachusetts and has pledged to do as President of the United States. I would have liked to share all of that with the woman on the phone today, but time was limited so I only shared a few. Those are the reasons I am supporting Mitt Romney. For more information visit
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Edit: It was actually an even 100 promises he made and kept in MA Here is the link Romney Promises
Sounds like you had a pretty good experience with the phone calls! hopefully it made some difference. Anyway you can call california? lol. I called Michigan people, but most the people hung up lol. But this was interesting :) And i'm glad you got the videos to work!
Great job! You write so well and make things very clear. I hope your blog gets syndicated! love, Mom
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